Thursday, February 18, 2010

Portland: the city of roses, coffee, and hipsters

Who loves Portland?

Oooo!  Pick me!  Pick me!!

It's been five, glorious days in Portland, and I'm already starting to settle into my nook here.  And by "nook" I mean a nearly empty apartment with a lush air mattress (if that even makes sense), an upside-down storage container for a chair and just enough kitchen supplies to make myself a decent meal.  But with lights, heating and internet, I'd say that this place is pretty rockin'!

My first couple days were exhausting to say the least. . . Running errands around town with mom, getting acquainted with the city and browsing Powell's (only the greatest bookstore on earth if you haven't already heard) for one measly hour--trust me, you could spend weeks in this place and not get bored.  Or maybe that's just me.  "Irregardless" (it seems just too appropriate not to say), Portland has proved to be just as friendly as I remembered it.  I'm falling in love with West Coast culture all over again, and this city definitely seems to have perfected many aspects of that.  Clean, eclectic, laid back, outdoorsy and friendly.  And no, I'm not describing my dream guy, though I'll admit, the qualities are undeniably similar.

For example, the nice lady at the post office was more than willing to tell me all about her latest life drama: strange phone calls coming to her at-home business line from Jamaica.  Go figure.  You're probably thinking, now why would you even care to know such things about a person you've never met before?  Am I right?  Well, yes, the same thing crossed my mind, but I listened patiently and just reveled in the ease of the entire interaction.  In a place where everyone is so friendly and open and welcoming, it's hard not to fall right into being yourself--something that I've always found extremely difficult when moving to a new city.  But talking to this random stranger, I didn't feel myself instinctively put up that barrier that I always seem to find comfort (and simultaneous frustration) behind.  And it wasn't just this one person, but several other people I've met and chatted with, whether at a coffee shop on 23rd or in the Lululemon store downtown.  There's so little judgement in this place--although I'm sure you could find it if you looked--that the city and its people seem that much more welcoming.  It's as if everyone's signed the same agreement upon entering: you be you, I'll be me and we'll make it work.  Now if the job situation could only improve. . . But eh, who cares.  If these people can be happy and friendly even in the midst of such economically frustrating times, I've got to hand it to them and maybe learn a thing or two as well.  

So far then, Portland, you earn five stars in my book.  Now if you could do me a small favor and keep the rain out and the sun shining (most of the time, that is), I would greatly appreciate it.  Although that could put me on dangerous ground. . . I may just fall head over heals for you.  


  1. Who wants to come visit???

    OOOhhh! PICK ME! PICK ME! ;)

  2. cannot wait to tell the movers where to place the most heavenly white cloud couch, darling!!! and chill, and read, and laugh and responsibly own and live our lives the way god intended us to all along! la grande aventure vient d'etre multipliee par deux et je t'aime!
    mille bises,

  3. I had a sneaking suspicion that I would say I told you so :)

    Can't wait to see you tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. @ Sabrina ::)) mel will tell me it too! just a matter of time. maybe you both can sing together?! and i'm not even physically there yet! ... patience, patience, mo. just a matter of days :)

    hugs to y'all
