Friday, February 12, 2010

Destination Portland: 384 miles and counting

One of my all time favorite American traditions is the classic road trip.  What's there not to love?  Windows down, wind blowing through your fingers and hair, music blaring and a wide, open road that invites you to day dream the day away.

Every now and then, a road trip is just good for the soul, inspiring freedom and excitement and fun.  I should know; I've had my fair share of road trips up and down the west coast, down south in Costa Rica and out west in Switzerland (Jude and Skoda, you're still in our hearts...).  And even though each one has been different, that thrill and feeling of possibility is always present, which perhaps adds to the reasons why I find them so addicting.  That and the fact that they always seem to take place at important, even pivotal (if you prefer the drama), times in my life.  Coincidence, you ask?  I highly doubt that.

It's no surprise then that this trip comes at a significant time for both my mom and I--my recent return to American soil (and everything that goes along with that) and, more importantly, my mom's big move to Portland.  So then tomorrow morning, we'll be heading out west pumped up with caffeine, nerves, and excitement.  Oregon, here we come!  The current winter weather conditions may not allow for the windows down part of my road trip fantasy, but we'll make do.  Besides, Alexi, Nick, Chris, and José have promised to serenade us the whole way there via the ultimate road trip playlist.  A little music, some good coffee, and even better company and this trip has happiness written all over it.

(Driving on PCH in northern California, May 2007)


  1. Welcome! Oregon will be very good to you, I know it :)

    Can't wait to see your smiling face. It has been way way too long!

  2. Jude, Skoda, and now Grenouille!!! the family is growing and we keep hopping along:))
