Thursday, October 22, 2009

Word of the week: October 19-25th

I've been wanting to start this up for some time now. For those French language lovers out there, hopefully my word of the week will enhance your French vocabulary just a bit. And for those of you who could care less about learning French, no worries. I promise to only to choose words I find entertaining and fun to say. Besides, I thought, what a better way to keep me on the look out for new words! Now, whether or not these words may be incredibly useful, I cannot say. But that is not my intention. You want to learn a word you'll use everyday? Consult your nearest French-English dictionary. Or of course, you could insert these words into everyday language to impress your peers or to sound like a total idiot, but please do not hold me responsible. Just consider me the word fairy, if you will, fluttering around plucking only the most shining and sparkling gems from the already pretty polished bunch.

And now, without further adieu, the word of the week is:
*pronounciation: like the english word "poof"
*meaning: bean bag (told you these were random)
where I learned it: while talking with my co-workers about the hotel renovations and looking at photos of the new additions to the lobby and future restaurant, I started laughing about how cool it would be to have been bags everywhere. Okay, not quite four-star status, but wouldn't that be awesome?! When I asked my boss how to say "bean bag" in French, he responded with pouf. It was love at first sound.
*additional notes: also gives "pouf" the definition of cushion but bean bag is so much better.

1 comment:

  1. love your "word of the week" idea! intriguingly ingenious indeed! and you know what? the homonym counterpart in German means brothel!!!
