Friday, October 23, 2009

Une petite pause

Today was one of those really good days. Like so good that I don't want to go to sleep and let it end, so I decided to linger over it all once more to share my contentment with you. Here are the highlights:

1. Woke up at my aunt and uncle's house to the sound of my little cousin running around, his high pitched voice beaming down the hallway into the guest bedroom. "Mélanieeee!"
2. Morning coffee with the family and a crackling fire.
3. Talking with my aunt. She is possibly the most kind-hearted, wonderful, warm person I have ever met. You can't help but just be peaceful in her presence.
4. Play time with Yann, the little cus. We made a fort in my room at the hotel, played pirates, and made hamburgers, pizza, french fries, and crêpes for pretend breakfast. Mmm, cholesterol!
5. Sunset. It. Was. Glorious. (See photo below.)
6. Skype dates with four amazing people. Maman, mi padre, Marx, and Shananigans.
7. And finally, one of those great moments when you really feel how lucky you, as if all the planets and stars align and pause for a brief moment of clarity. You are and that's enough. In fact, that's just perfect.

Now go and have a happy day everyone!

And just if you were wondering, this photo is 100% natural. No computer editing, no fiddling, nothing. Say hello to my backyard.

1 comment:

  1. oh wow... there's nothing else i can say. or will say. or need to say. it's already been said. by you. love you darling!
