Monday, October 5, 2009

"What a night for a dance, you know I'm a dancin' machine..."

In addition to having magically skilled hands when it comes to food in the kitchen (I can only imagine what else they can do... Ha, that was just too easy to pass up), I have to compliment the cooks on their excellent taste in music, especially Marc. While I'm stuck in the front of the restaurant listening to easy rock tunes that don't merit any foot or finger tapping or just-kill-me-now love songs that you know end badly, the kitchen crew is jamming, sautéing and grilling to late 90's pop songs that still bring back memories of middle school dances and all those catchy R&B or Hip Hop numbers that make me want to start a solo dance party right there in the kitchen.

And tonight Marc brought his iPod along with a brand spankin' new playlist that rivaled everything I had previously heard from the kitchen speakers. No Snoop. No Sean Paul. Nope, not this time. Only the best of the best including K-Ci and Jojo, One Republic, Rihanna, Chris Brown, T.I., Ciara, and of course, Michael Jackson. There were plenty of other awesome dance tunes, all of which flung me back into memories of second semester senior year... Senior Prom (or Senior Banquet if you prefer), Beachcomber, Senior Night, Spring Formal, and basically any night the group of us got together since a dance party inevitably started wherever we were. I could not wipe the smile off my face and it still lingers along with the memories playing over in my head. God I miss dancing, especially with the crew--you know who you are. So here are some highlights from the end of last semester. Okay, I'll admit, the photos are mostly for my own pleasure, but I think you'll enjoy them too.
P.S. Thank you Kings of Leon for inspiring the title of this post.


  1. This is amazing!!!! I always like to read first, before scrolling down to look at the pics. When I came across Rihanna in the cook's playlist I automatically KNEW what these pics were going to be :) As I went to scroll down I instantly got the biggest smile on my face and maybe even a few tears in my eyes! I miss nights like these ones sooooo much... but I miss you even more. Make sure the new roomie likes to dance!!

  2. Wild woman,do you remember the moments????
