Sunday, October 4, 2009


They are putting an entirely new roof on the hotel, raising the top floor ceiling by several feet. I think they're planning to construct some pretty awesome rooms up there. I found all this out tonight at the end of my shift when I saw the enormous and rather intimidating pieces of machinery being hauled down the middle of the street. It looks like a war zone out there. Rusted pieces of scrap metal, trucks like tanks, and sometimes there's so much white dust floating in the air that I actually think the snow has decided to come early. But no, thankfully I have at least another month before I have to acknowledge that winter does exist now that I'm no longer in San Diego.

As for the roof though, I have NO IDEA how they are planning to do this. When I left work at 10:30pm, I saw the seriously well trained army of construction works lined up, passing massive pieces of metal from one to another and constructing what I think may be the infrastructure of the roof down the middle of the street (which is closed completely for the night). I'm guessing that they will tear down what is there now and somehow lift the shiny new roof (or the basis of it) up to the eight floor. All in the dark and in the middle of the night. Holy shit is right.

And the best part? I can hear all of it right outside my window! I'm just going to pretend that the rumbling of trucks and cranes and the clanking of metal hitting metal are coming from one of those sound makers that you buy for a baby who won't go to sleep or for a desperate insomniac with a weakness for nature sounds. Too bad I can't switch the channel to "soft ocean waves" or "rain forest lullabies."

1 comment:

  1. That's YOU, simply YOU. Having the courage to deal with noisy reality head on, and then upping the ante by deciding which silver lining makes the cut. Gosh, Melle, you are amazing and I love you!!!
