Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Chinese food and gummi bears. Mmm. Delicious!

A night off of work and what to do... Ah! So many choices. Wine tasting in Lavaux? Drinks and dinner in Lausanne? Or, I could start drinking with Marki at 3:30 in the afternoon while she plans the rest of her epic trip and I relish in the fact that I can get drunk in the afternoon and not worry about going off to work in a few hours... Oh yeah, follow that by chinese food take out, more bottles of cheap wine, and a dessert of Haribo gummi bears and chocolate. I bet you can't guess what we did! Was it a success, then? Well, considering that my teeth looked as if I had dyed them a rich, deep shade of burgundy by the time I went to get ready for bed, I suppose calling operation night off a smashing success would be an understatement. Add a little Gossip Girl to the equation and there you have it. One fabulous night off and night in. Oh the Swiss life, how I love you.

And you can't really blame us for wanting to stay in and save our energy for the adventures of today and tomorrow. Armed with as many layers of warm clothes as possible, Marx and I are trekking to Chamonix today. As in the Mont Blanc, the highest point in Western Europe and the third most visited natural site in the world! According to Wikipedia that is. If all goes according to plan (and the probability of this happening is slim), travel time will take about four hours before we get to the valley city of Chamonix. Perhaps some hiking, city-walking, eating, and drinking. I'm pretty sure our itinerary will be close to that. And tomorrow morning, a gondola ride up to Aiguille de midi. Google it for kicks and then you can be jealous :).

Okay, time to get ready. Don't worry, my camera (and brain) is fully charged. Plenty of updates when we get back! La la la love you all.

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