Saturday, September 12, 2009

La vie quotidienne

Yes, it has been DAYS since my last post, and no, it is not because I have nothing to tell you about. I've been internet-less for three days now and finally broke down and decided to splurge on a cappuccino at the internet cafe so that I could get reconnected with you all! I am so dedicated to the cause, in fact, that I am enduring a seemingly never ending fog of cigarette smoke from the man next to me. Of course he lights up right when the breeze starts blowing in my direction. Ah, the smell of tar and toxins on a Saturday afternoon!

So what's new? you ask. I've been working. And working and working and working. Eight days in a row, actually, but tomorrow begins the start of something wonderful! Something fabulous! Something... oh you'll never guess!! CONGE!!! Or rather, what I like to call freedom. Ooooo, I can taste it now! The black shirt and pants and shoes and socks will be folded and put away for two whole days in the very back of my nonexistent closet where I cannot see them or smell them or think of them until work on Tuesday. And what are my plans?? Hmm... not sure yet. Hiking perhaps. Maybe some pilates on Monday and whatever the hell else I want to do that does not involve polishing cutlery or clearing tables or smelling like butter and garlic and food (not in a good way).

Okay, I may sound like I'm complaining, which I do not mean to do at all. It's just when you work eight days in a row, time seems to disappear and you lose track of which day was which and your feet hurt like hell from standing on tile for hours upon hours upon hours. The truth is though, I actually like my job--most of the time. I enjoy talking to people, using new words everyday, and watching the cooks prepare meal after meal after meal, each dish an exact replica of the last artful creation. I can't believe I'm saying this, but after three weeks of seeing the same plates, the food still makes me want to grab a fork, sit next to the people I'm serving and start eating off all of there plates while exclaiming, "Wow, you're right! This is delicious!" But no, I refrain, though it takes patience and effort. Oh-so-much effort.

In short, things are good. And yes, I'm being vague for a reason. The room is fine. The food is fine (though I could not tell you what was for lunch today cause it looked both looked and tasted like slop). I am fine. Just tired and the cloudy, iffy weather doesn't really instill much motivation to go exploring today between shifts. I do have something new to share though... I took my first order yesterday! IN FRENCH. I had one of those handy little notepads, didn't stumble over my words, and spoke like a pro (or at least I like to think so). Hey, they understood me and I got the order right. Now, the fact that the woman and man I was helping were perhaps on the most awkward first date was utterly out of my hands. And no, I did not find their minute after minute silence entertaining but painfully uncomfortable. Amandine and I stood on the side and brainstormed different topics they could talk about. Weather... Food... How amazingly good we both are at our jobs... God, anything would do. But no, we resisted sharing our inspired list and let them sit there fidgeting with the silence.

Oh, and I forgot to mention that I've met a few more people, one girl who works for the catered events at the hotel sporadically and lives in Lausanne. She offered to give me her email address so that the next time her and her friends go out or do something fun, she could send me a quick email invite. Sounds great! I could really use a night out, though I have a feeling that three glasses of wine will have me dancing on the table, or perhaps passed out under one. Eh, either will do. ;)

And a note to all of you dedicated (or not so dedicated) readers: thanks for sharing your thoughts, for taking part in my adventure, and for making me feel less alone on those days when I am missing you more than usual. You have no idea how much it means to me. For now, happy Saturday to you all!

La la la LOVE,

P.S. For whatever reason, a little boat appeared today. Or rather, I heard it before I saw it. While setting the tables out on the Terrace for lunch, the sound of whistling coming from the direction of the water, made us all stop and search for its source. Think Pinocchio or some other ancient Disney movie. Out of nowhere a little steam boat came puffing from around the corner, toots of smoke rising with each new note. It came at the precise moment that I needed something to lighten my heart a bit. La-dee-daaaa!

1 comment:

  1. Haven't commented for a bit... It happens. Your posts are - without exception - increasingly engrossing, page-turning, uplifting, inspiring and never long enough...
