Monday, September 28, 2009

A Carrie moment

"Wherever you go, there you are."

Inscribed on the necklace that Shan and Car got me for my birthday, these words dangle from the silver chain around my neck and remind me everyday that you can never really be lost even though many of us seem to feel that way in the face of huge changes or obstacles or when placed in foreign territory that leaves us confused, uncomfortable, or even lonely. And just knowing that those words are physically there, close to my heart, makes me feel less alone somehow, especially on those days when I really miss home and, more importantly, when I miss being with people that understand me completely, quirks and all.

And today, I fell in love with this quote all over again. During my morning conversation with Car--one of those conversations you don't realize how much you needed until you feel like a new person afterwards--I started thinking. Maybe this quote has something else to say, something I hadn't taken the time to consider. I initially thought that the physical distance between myself and the people I love the most would indeed make me feel a world away. But talking to friends and family rather frequently (thank you thank you thank you skype), I realized that the distance doesn't mean anything at all because that closeness and happiness I feel when I talk to the people I love is always present, I just sometimes lose sight of it when I allow my mind to get clouded by all the little things that seem so important. And this morning helped me see that again.

I found myself laughing with Car about something I can't remember now. Really laughing. The kind of laughing that strips your body of any dark or lonely or heavy feeling and leaves you cleansed, light and new again. And instead of feeling sad that my best friends can't be with me right now, I felt comforted by the fact that I have them in my life at all. Yes, the distance can royally suck sometimes, but it only reminds me again of how lucky I am to know such amazing people. People that make me feel like me again.

Love you guys. And thank you for being you.

Oh, and the possibility that I may see Marki this week may make me the happiest person in Switzerland. I did a survey, and yup, I stand correct.


  1. This post epitomizes what I have felt all my life. The heart doesn't speak the language of distance... I love you Mel, more than words could ever say.

  2. "Laugh and laugh, and nothing can ever be sad, no one can be lost, or dead, or far away; right now we are HERE, and nothing can mar our perfection , or steal the joy of this PERFECT MOMENT."

    This is what I read while in bed after our perfect moment :)
