Monday, April 12, 2010

Sand in my shoes (and I love it)

The stars must have aligned for us this past Friday.  Sabrina AND Sam had the day off, and I worked it out so I could take a break from my incredibly hectic schedule of yoga, job searching, and wandering—but trust me, it wasn't easy.

So Sam and I hopped into the car and headed west to Lincoln City for a glorious day of beach strolling, chatting, and laughing harder than I have in weeks. . .  It was just one of those days that makes you feel light and happy and warm from the inside out.  And spending some quality time with the ocean wasn't so bad either.  Especially since it stands as my favorite place on earth.  Give me some sandy toes and a little laughter and I might just be the happiest person in the whole wide world.
Companions.  Isn't it wonderful to look at your friends and see just how beautiful they (and their minds) are?

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