Sunday, March 14, 2010


Some of the best advice I've ever received came in this note (pictured below) from Austin.  Just in case you can't read his chicken scratch, allow me to translate my favorite part:

"Forget following your dreams.  Just ask where they're going and meet up with them later."

And at a time when I spend every day scanning search engine after search engine for potential jobs in this city or that city and writing cover letters until my eyes start twitching from staring at my computer screen for too long, it's a healthy reminder to keep my dreams close and personal.  Okay, so maybe it sounds corny—alright, really corny, but sometimes a little corniness is a good thing.  Especially when it pulls you out of that monotonous, seemingly hopeless job search slump that sucks every ounce of positive energy right out of you—not that I know anything about what that feels like.  No way—at least not today.  Nope.  For now, I'm choosing to trust the universe, and hope that it has a spare sprinkling of magic in store for me and the rest of you.  (Oh pretty pretty pretty please!)

1 comment:

  1. dear Austin,
    whoever you are...
    you are wise. very.
    what is this new reality trying to tell us??? we promise to: persevere, be patient, creative and humble. one thing we know for sure: hope is an equal opportunity employer.
