Friday, September 4, 2009


Since I forgot to buy detergent at the store yesterday, I had to settle for doing laundry this evening in between blogging, calling people, and enjoying the end of my weekend. And you know what I discovered? Doing laundry sucks. As I write this, my clothes are sitting wet (and presumably clean) in the laundry machine that I cannot figure out how to open. And trust me, it was hard enough to get the thing to work in the first place. I pulled and tugged away at the little black handle that holds the door in place and nope. I tried every other button, notch, lever, dial, anything that could be moved. Nothing. Won't budge. Frustrated and tired from a long day, I stare at my soggy clothes so close by oh-so-far away. I wish a silent, sleek, eco-friendly whirlpool would just magically appear in my room (not that that would solve the problem of my clothes still being stuck in the machine downstairs). I'll just have to wait for Ali to get off work and hope he has the magic touch. Humph.

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